Epilepsy Management


What You’ll Learn

This course is suitable for health professionals including disability support workers, carers and teachers, as well as those living with epilepsy and their family and friends. Learners will gain an understanding of the required skills and knowledge to assist clients with managing epilepsy and what to do if a seizure occurs. A wide range of related topics are covered.

Course Modules

  • Have adequate knowledge of what epilepsy means
  • What not to do to a person having violent seizures
  • Ways of dealing with challenging behaviours that epilepsy patients exhibit
  • How to communicate with patients with epilepsy
  • Understand how to respond when a patient with epilepsy exhibits violent seizures
  • Understand how to manage your anger and frustrations as a support worker caring for an epilepsy patient
  • Know what to do if you notice signs of epilepsy in a person
  • Understand the various types of epilepsy
  • Understand crisis management as a support worker for a patient with epilepsy

Course Duration

This online training course takes approximately minutes to complete.

Training Is Suitable For:

This course provides learning opportunities for:

  • Healthcare Professionals 
  • Aged Care Support Workers
  • Disability Support Workers
  • Practice Nurses
  • Allied Health Professionals
Format and Assessment:

This training is self paced, incorporating 3D Touch interactive elements, with beautifully crafted visual design theme that will reduce cognitive load and optimise learning. It’s accessible online at all times and responsive on all devices. You will be engaged from start to finish and experience no dull moment.

At the end of the course, there is a short quiz to be completed in order to receive a certificate of completion. This course also counts towards your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points, for you to reach the legally mandated minimum CPD hours each year.

Upon Completion You Will Receive:

After successfully completing this course, you will obtain a certificate of completion which will demonstrate your competency. You can download and print your certificate. You have the option to receive and download your certificate within 24hrs and the hard copy mailed to your address.

How to Receive Your Certificate Within 24hrs

You will have the option to:

  • Receive and download your certificate within 24 hours.
  • A hard copy of your certificate mailed to your address. *Notify us by email if you choose not to receive a hard copy of your certificate by mail.
How to Obtain Job Qualified Reference Letter That Will Make You Stand Out From Others

How can a job qualified reference letter help you?

Skills are your most valuable asset. Qualify for jobs you want and get promoted to more advanced positions within your organisation.

85% of all job openings are posted online. The typical job posting receives approximately 200 applications — too many resumes and CVs for any hiring manager to seriously look at. Most organisations have resorted to utilising Applicant Tracking Systems to manage their hiring processes. These systems, filter applicants based on a keyword match. What are Applicant Tracking Systems matching to? Increasingly, it’s Having preferred or desired skills and relevant technical skill. It helps your application stand out from others that lack these qualifications.

What will the job reference letter incorporate?
We will craft a powerful and effective reference letter, that will skilfully highlight the skills and knowledge you’ve obtained in the course you successfully completed. We will masterfully incorporate and emphasis on the process from the course objectives to the learning outcome and how you will be able to effectively convey that into your job role.